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The First Éhoi (Dec 2001- Oct 2003

AT-08-02-01 - The National Holidays (Clarification) Act 2002 [HTML]   [PDF]

AN ACT to correct the National Holidays Act 2002 to reflect historical accuracy and to update the said act.

AT-08-02-02 - The Marriage Act 2002 [HTML]   [PDF]

AN ACT to legally grant status to marriage of persons within the Great Commonwealth.

AM-01 - The First Constitutional (Minorities Protection) Amendment - [PDF] [HTML]

AN AMENDMENT to embody in the Petition of the Constitution laws to assure that minorities do not suffer under the majority in control of criminal law

AT-04-02-01 - The Ratification of Provincial Status (Nova Britannia) Act 2002 [HTML] [PDF]

AN ACT to ratify the status of the Duchy of Nova Britannia as a province of the Great Commonwealth.

AT-04-02-02 - The Triumphant Wéthenágemoté Reform Act 2002 [HTML] [PDF]

AN ACT to reform the organisation of the Lower House of Parliament.

AT-04-02-03 - The Anti-Rudeness in Public Places Act 2002  [HTML] [PDF]

AN ACT to ban smoking in public places.

AT-04-02-04 - The Control of Population Act 2002 [HTML] [PDF]

AN ACT to make allowances for the control of the Ibrosian population.

AT-03-02-01 - The Incorporation (Redéke Island and Dependences) Act 2002   [HTML]

AN ACT to incorporate the Redéke Isles into the Great Commonwealth.

AT-03-02-02 - The Overseas Citizens, Colonialisation and Naturalisation Act 2002   [HTML]

AN ACT to make provision for the naturalisation of overseas citizens. [Repealed by AT-05-03-03 on 25/05/2003]

AT-03-02-03 - The Voter Confidentiality Act 2002   [HTML]

AN ACT to allow for confidential voting in the grande éhoi and referenda.

AT-01-02-01 - The Micronational Recognition Act 2002   [HTML]

AN ACT to allow for confidential voting in the grande éhoi and referenda. [Repealed by AT-05-03-03 on 25/05/2003]

AT-01-02-02 - The National Holidays Act 2002   [HTML]

AN ACT to certify national holidays

AT-12-01-01 - The Act of Immigration and Naturalisation 2001   [HTML]

AN ACT to set out the rights of persons of foreign birth to enter and reside in the Great Commonwealth of Lk’esoeseak-Iboroseo.

AT-12-01-02- The Treason Act 2001   [HTML] 

AN ACT to bring traitors to justice. [Repealed by AT-05-03-03 on 25/05/2003]

AT-12-01-03 - The Ministerial Veto Act 2001   [HTML]

AN ACT to allow for Ministerial vetoes on legislation.

AT-12-01-04- The Freedom of Information Act 2001   [HTML]

AN ACT to allow for the protection of sensitive information.

AT-12-01-05- The Internet Regulations Act 2001   [HTML]

AN ACT to regulate Ibrosian internet domains. [Repealed by AT-05-03-03 on 25/05/2003]

AT-12-01-06- The Lk'esoeseak-Iboroseoean Anti-Terrorism Act 2001   [HTML]

AN ACT to prevent terrorist against attacks occurring on Lk’esoeseak-Iboroseoean soil.[Repealed by AT-05-03-01 on 25/05/2003]


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