GÉ - March 2002


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Statutory Instruments
GÉ - December 2001
GÉ - January 2002
GÉ - March 2002
GÉ - April 2002
GÉ - July 2002
GE - August 2002

March 2002

Acts put forward for this grande éhoi 

AT-03-02-01 - The Incorporation (Redéke Island and Dependences) Act 2002   [HTML]

AN ACT to incorporate the Redéke Isles into the Great Commonwealth.

AT-03-02-02 - The Overseas Citizens, Colonialisation and Naturalisation Act 2002   [HTML]

AN ACT to make provision for the naturalisation of overseas citizens. [Repealed by AT-05-03-03 on 25/05/2003]

AT-03-02-03 - The Voter Confidentiality Act 2002   [HTML]

AN ACT to allow for confidential voting in the grande éhoi and referenda.


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