GÉ - July 2002


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Statutory Instruments
GÉ - December 2001
GÉ - January 2002
GÉ - March 2002
GÉ - April 2002
GÉ - July 2002
GE - August 2002

July 2002

Acts put forward for this grande éhoi - 29th July 2002

AM-01 - The First Constitutional (Minorities Protection) Amendment - [PDF] [HTML]

AN AMENDMENT to embody in the Petition of the Constitution laws to assure that minorities do not suffer under the majority in control of criminal law

AT-07-02-01 - The Quhit ir ye oan Aboot Act- [PDF]  [HTML]

AN ACT to upgrade the Ulster-Scots (Ulstér-Scotch) language from a “State protected Language” to an “Official Language” of the Great Commonwealth.



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