The Quhit ir ye oan Aboot Act

An Official Act of the Government of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy

æcté d’wesetilk d’ŷe grande wealth d’commune dek Lk’esoeseak-Iboroseỗ

The Twenty Ninth day of July, Twenty-Hundred and Two AM


AN ACT to upgrade the Ulster-Scots (Ulstér-Scotch) language from a “State protected Language” to an “Official Language” of the Great Commonwealth.


Should it be enacted by the will of the majority of the people of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy, this Bill shall be passed into law with the particulars stated herein:


Whereas under Part Seven (The National and Culture), Article IV of the Constitution Act 2001, Iboroseoean and English are recognised as ‘Official Languages of the State’ and,


Whereas this administration has constantly maintained, under a statement by the Ministry of Culture, that the Latin and Ulster-Scots languages are recognised as ‘Protected Languages of the State’ and,


Whereas Ulster-Scots is presently more widely spoken in the Great Commonwealth than the Iboroseoean language


Then Therefore, The Ulster-Scots language shall be upgraded to an ‘Official Language of the State’ (1) and enjoy the same status and usage as the Iboroseoean language enjoys under the Constitution Act 2001. (2)


III. Short Title, Commencement and Extent of this Act


(a)     This Act may be cited as the Quhit ir ye oan Aboot Act 2002

(b)     This act shall come into effect upon the passing by the éhoi and authorisation by the Returning Officer.

(c)     This Act extends to


(a)     The Great Commonwealth

(b)     The Province of Redéke Island and Dependences

(c)     The Province of Nova Britannia



“Long Live The Great Commonwealth”