The Ministerial Veto Act

An Official Act of the Government of the Great Commonwealth of Lk’esoeseak-Iboroseo

æcté  d’wesetilk d’ŷe grande wealth d’commune d’Lk'esoeseak-Iboroseo

Nineteenth day of November, Twenty-Hundred and One





As a safeguard against knee-jerk reactions in the Éhoi, it is proposed that this Act should officially warrant Ministers of the Great Commonwealth the right to officially veto actions considered unconstitutional or un-Iboroseoean.


Article I


Any Minister of the Great Commonwealth National Executive shall have the right to veto a Bílle, setting it back to the next Éhoi Parliamentary Sitting.


Article II


The Prime Minister shall have the right to veto any Bílle being passed through the Éhoi. The Prime Minster, however, must state a justifiable reason for the veto being imposed.


Article III


A Minister shall have the right to veto legislation progressing through the Éhoi only if it relates to their assigned portfolio.


Article IV


The Prime Minister has the personal right to impose a veto upon the veto of another Minister.


Article V


The Prime Ministerial veto upon a Ministerial veto may be overturned by a full majority vote of the Privy Council. This shall be done by the process of secret ballot amongst members.


Article VI


The Prime Minister or Ministers of their respective Ministries can be held to account for the crime of Perjury in the case of a veto which is found to be unconstitutional



Reber d’éohi


Cahreeseilk “Ministerial Veto Act” eski rentreian, áre ŷ’hrlhsenéke d’bílle, erkreek ŷ’rekeke d’ŷe Éohi d’ŷe grand wealth d’commune.


This “Ministerial Veto Act” is hereby submitted, in the form of a Bill, for the attention of the Parliament of the Great Commonwealth.







In English


Ayes: 100%

Noes: 0%

Abstain: 0%

Not Present: 0%


áre Iboroseoean


ádvant: 100%

qi: 0%

ilán d'iseaek: 0%

qié: 0%


Passed by a full session of Parliament on Saturday the eighth of December, Twenty-Hundred and One.


Enacted into law by this Great Commonwealth Parliament, by way of representation by the Prime Minister of the Great Commonwealth National Parliament




                           Prime Minister of Parliament