The Marriage Act

An Official Act of the Government of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy

æcté d’wesetilk d’ŷe grande wealth d’commune dek Lk’esoeseak-Iboroseỗ

The Eighteenth day of August, Twenty-Hundred and Two AM


AN ACT to legally grant status to marriage of persons within the Great Commonwealth.


Should it be enacted by the will of the majority of the people of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy, this Bill shall be passed into law with the particulars stated herein:


Article I


For the purposes of this act, “marriage” shall be defined as a bond of love between two co-habiting persons who wish to be considered within a state of wedlock.


Article II


For a marriage to be recognised by the Great Commonwealth, the persons involved must


(a)    Be willing to be recognised as married in law

(b)    Be co-habiting one property or indicating that they intend to co-habit a property after marriage has taken place

(c)    Sign the appropriate statutory order stated in Article V, Subsection (c), indicating they agree to the terms of this act and wish to be recognised as “married”

(d)    Be willing to publicly declare that a state of mutual love exists between them.


Article III


For the purposes of social equality, the status of polygamous and polyandrous marriage shall be equal to that of two individuals.


Article IV


This act makes no distinctions based on gender or sexuality in the recognition of marriage.


Article V


Upon the fulfilment of a legally recognised marriage, the following shall occur


(a)                    The Prime Minister of Parliament shall, on behalf of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy, send a telegram or similar written communication to the concerned parties wishing them well.

(b)                   The marriage shall be noted in the New Winchester Gazette, the official state gazette of the Great Commonwealth.

(c)                    The state of marriage shall be officially recorded in statutory order of this act.

(d)                   The statutory order mentioned in Subsection (c) shall be enforced and enacted by either the Prime Minister of Parliament or the Great Commonwealth Secretary of State.

Article VI


The Great Commonwealth shall never discriminate against unmarried couples or those who choose to remain living in a singular state.


Article VII


It shall be required to request permission from both parties before their Estates (by definition of all assets and liabilities of the individual) are joined in law. This shall be made clear to the concerned parties.


Article VIII – Short Title, Commencement and Extent of this Act


(1) This Act may be cited as the Marriage Act 2002.


(2) This act shall come into effect upon the passing by the éhoi and authorisation by the Returning Officer.


(3) This Act extends to


(a)    The Great Commonwealth

(b)    The Province of Redéke Island and Dependences

(c)    The Province of Nova Britannia


“Long Live the Great Commonwealth”