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The Éhoi

The Éhoi or Parliament is the bicameral legislature for the Great Commonwealth. A new Éhoi is declared with every new government elected. All Acts of Parliament are approved within grande éhoi, a monthly meeting of citizens in the Ibrosian Democracy. These are organised by Éhoi here, or alternatively can be searched for.

The Constitution Act 2001 - Fundamental Law of the GCLI  - Declared on the 11th of November 2001.   

Select the Parliament:

The First Éhoi (December 2001 - September 2002)

 - Statutory Instruments (some unrecorded) for the First Éhoi

The Second Éhoi (October 2002 - )

- Statutory Instruments for the Second Éhoi


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The Office of National Records, Stationery and Hansard; Great Commonwealth Ministry of the Interior
The Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy