Statutory Instruments


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Statutory Instruments
GÉ - October 2002
CA - November 2002
GÉ - December 2002
GÉ - March 2003
GÉ - May 2003
CA - June 2003

Second Éhoi Statutory Instruments 

Statutory Instruments approved in this Éhoi:

Statutory Instruments fall into two categories:

Ministerial rules, regulations and orders can be made by Ministers where primary legislation,

in the form of an ‘enabling’ Act, is used to delegate the requisite authority to Ministers to

introduce these measures. However, the measures must fall within the ambit of the enabling


Orders in Council are made by the 'Prime Minister [or Lord Protector] in Council’ (with the advice of the Cabinet Council)

and are generally used on matters of constitutional importance or in times of national emergency

SI-GV-05 - The Public Order Provisions Order 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ORDER to provide for public order in time of Constitutional crisis.

SI-GV-04 - The Cabinet (Appointment) Order 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ORDER to appoint the Lord Protector's Cabinet Council.

SI-GV-03 - The Protectorate Defence Order 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ORDER to provide for the defence of the State,

SI-ID-GB-02 - The Government of Greater Brethyonia Order 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ORDER to establish provincial government in Greater Brethyonia.

SI-FI-01 - The Finance Order 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ORDER to alter the exchange rate in the Great Commonwealth Central Bank.

SI-02-01- The Strathclyde Treaty (Amendment) Order 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ORDER to ratify and extend the treaty with the state of Strathclyde to include matters of trade and make allowances for the provincial alterations in the Great Commonwealth.



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