Strathclyde Treaty Am.


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Strathclyde Treaty Am.
Finance Order 2003
Government of GB Or 2003
Protectorate Defence Or.
Cabinet (Appointment) Or.
Public Order Provisions Or.

The Strathclyde Treaty (Amendment) Order

A Statutory Instrument of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy


At Commonwealth House, Nova Britannia upon the Twenty-Fifth day of January 2003 CE -- 04/01/25:+50 IIC


AN ORDER to ratify and extend the treaty with the state of Strathclyde to include matters of trade and make allowances for the provincial alterations in the Great Commonwealth.


Whereas it has become beneficial for the Great Commonwealth to further its treaty with Strathclyde


Now Therefore, by powers conferred upon the His Excellency, the Prime Minister by Article III of the Micronational Recognition Act 2002, His Excellency hereby sees it fit and proper to order the following: -


Title and Commencement


1.         –(1) This order may be cited as the Strathclyde Treaty (Amendment) Order 2003

             (2) The day appointed for the coming into operation of the Strathclyde Treaty (Amendment) Order 2003 is the day after the day on which the Order is made.


Enactment of the Treaty


2.      –(1) The amendment to the Principle treaty contained within schedule to this Order is hereby granted approval by the Great Commonwealth and shall be entered into law.

          (2) This Order shall be directly binding on all state authority.




3.    -(1) In this Order:-


"the Principle Treaty" shall be considered to be the Schedule to the Strathclyde Treaty Order 2002



“Long Live the Great Commonwealth”


David J. Gardiner

Prime Minister, Keeper of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth


Lord Russell, Earl of Miltonshire

Secretary of State of the Great Commonwealth, Keeper of the Privy Seal







WHEREAS it has become necessary to improve relations between Strathclyde and

the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy ("the High Contracting

Parties") even further by amending the Treaty agreed between us on the 15th

day of August, 2002 ("the Principal Treaty"):


AND WHEREAS it is proposed that the High Contracting Parties abolish trade

tariffs, customs and excise for movement of goods crossing our borders since

we share a common currency by virtue of our historic past ties with the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:




Article 1.


In this Treaty,---


(1) "Strathclyde" means the microstate comprising only the territory of the

late Strathclyde Regional Council and of the Dumfries and Galloway Regional

Council, as defined and determined by the Local Government (Scotland) Act

1973 [1973 c.65], but not including the territory of the Great Commonwealth

of the Ibrosian Democracy as defined and determined below:


2) "Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy" means the microstate

comprising only---

(a) the Province of Nova Britannia ("Capital Territory"), comprising the

lands and properties of Commonwealth House and other appropriate buildings

within the property of the same, and the historical site of The South Mound,

formerly within the village of Houston in the county of Renfrewshire,

Strathclyde; and

(b) the County of the Redéke Isles comprising all three of the Isles

within the Knapps Loch, formerly within the village of Kilmacolm in the

county of Inverclyde, Strathclyde) and associated with the Great

Commonwealth Province of Greater Brethyonia; and

(c) the County of Miltonshire, comprising woodland territory within the

property of said Commonwealth House, such territory granted to the

Province of Greater Brethyonia in the year of 2002 by the Province of

Nova Britannia.


Article 2.


The High Contracting Parties, sharing the common macronational currency of

the pound sterling by virtue of the British legacy, shall hereby abolish all

trade tariffs, all customs and excises, and all road tolls for the movement

of goods, or the travel of High Contracting Party citizens, crossing our



Article 3.


1. The provincial alterations taking place in the Great Commonwealth shall

include and extend to---

            (a) all territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland, of Ireland and of Brittany:

            (b) those parts of the British Isles that are not part of the said United

Kingdom but Crown Dependencies, namely, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands

and the Scilly Isles---


and shall not include or extend to Strathclyde, or any part of her

territory, or to any of her territorial waters, in any way by any means.


2. Nothing in this Treaty affects Article 3 of the Principal Treaty, which

is hereby re-affirmed in Articles 4 through 7 below.


Article 4.


1. Strathclyde hereby recognises the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian

Democracy as a sovereign, independent, democratic state under international

law for all intents and purposes.


2. Nothing in this Article shall be deviated from.


Article 5.


1. The Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy hereby recognises

Strathclyde as a sovereign, independent, democratic state under

international law for all intents and purposes.


2. Nothing in this Article shall be deviated from.


Article 6.


1. Strathclyde hereby affirms that it does not presently, and shall not at

any time in future, exercise sovereignty over, or claim all or any part of,

or extend her laws in whole or in part to, the territory of the Great

Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy, or claim any Ibrosian citizen as a

Strathclyde citizen.


2. Nothing in this Article shall be deviated from.


Article 7.


1. The Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy hereby affirms that it

does not presently, and shall not at any time in future, exercise

sovereignty over, or claim all or any part of, or extend her laws in whole

or in part to, the territory of Strathclyde, or claim any Strathclyde

citizen as an Ibrosian citizen.


2. Nothing in this Article shall be deviated from.




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