Protectorate Defence Or.


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Strathclyde Treaty Am.
Finance Order 2003
Government of GB Or 2003
Protectorate Defence Or.
Cabinet (Appointment) Or.
Public Order Provisions Or.

The Protectorate Defence Order 2003



2003- No. GV-03


Made:                                                  11th June  2003 CE

                                                            16th Qa'qualsque 04 IIC

Coming into Force:                            12th June 2003 CE

                                                            17th Qa'qualsque 04 IIC


At Commonwealth House, Nova Britannia on the 11th Day of June


His Highness, the Lord Protector in Council



His Highness, the Lord Protector by powers conferred upon him by Section 7(1) of the Constitutional (Temporary Provisions) Act 2003, hereby orders and decrees, and so it is ordered, as follows:--


Title and Commencement


1.             – (1) This order may be cited as the Protectorate Defence Order 2003.

(2) This Order shall come into effect on the day after which it is made and expire when the protectorate is declared to be defunct, when it shall be as if this order was never made.


Repeals and Alterations


2.              – (1) The Defence Act 2003 is hereby repealed in its entirety.

                 (2) The Army Council is hereby disbanded.

                 (3) All militias in the Ibrosian Protectorate, including but not limited to the Ibrosian National Militia are hereby disbanded until further notice.

                 (4) It shall be an offence under this subsection to be a member of any militia within the Ibrosian Protectorate. Upon summary conviction, a person charged with the offence of membership of a proscribed organisation shall be liable to be awarded a term of no more than three years, a fine of up to three hundred pounds, or both. It shall be good defence when charged under this for a person to demonstrate—

                                (a) That their membership of such an organisation was inactive.

                 (b) That they were unable to review this Order, and thusly were ignorant of this law.

                 (c) That their membership of the organisation was imposed involuntarily.


The Ministry of War


3.              -- (1) The Lord Protector is hereby appointed to be Chief of the Defence Staff within the Great Commonwealth.

                 (2) The Ministry of War shall remain within the National Executive and shall be headed by the Minister of State for Defence.

                 (3) The Ibrosian Joint Defence Services are hereby created, including –

(a) The Ibrosian Defence Regiment (Britonni Guards Regiment), the regular army unit for the defence of Nova Britannia and Greater Brethyonia.

(b) The Home Division of the Ibrosian Defence Regiment which shall be an irregular force consisting of all volunteers between the ages of sixteen and forty five, for the defence of their local area and Estates.

                 (4) The Home Division of the Ibrosian Defence Regiment shall be armed by the funds awarded to the Ministry of War within the Ibrosian Protectorate.


Present Neutrality of the State


                4.             -- (1) The Ibrosian Protectorate is a neutral state.

(2) A declaration of war may only be issued against a foreign state, and hostilities engaged against such a state, should they issue a physical attack upon this state and its interests.



David J. Gardiner

Lord Protector

11th June, 2003



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