GÉ - May 2003


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Statutory Instruments
GÉ - October 2002
CA - November 2002
GÉ - December 2002
GÉ - March 2003
GÉ - May 2003
CA - June 2003

March 2003 

Bills and Acts put forward in this grande éhoi:

AT-05-03-06 - The Citizenship and Naturalisation Act 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ACT to allow for the creation of new citizens and to regulate the conditions of citizenship within the Great Commonwealth.

AT-05-03-05 - The Flags and National Emblems (National Flag) (Amendment) Act 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ACT to provide for the Ibrosian Cross to be used as a National Flag.

AT-05-03-04 - The Government Departments Act 2003  [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ACT to make provision in law for the departments of the federal government.

AT-05-03-03 - The Legislative Review Act 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ACT to repeal laws which have fallen into disuse.

AT-05-03-02 - The United Kingdom Electoral Act 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ACT to make provision for British Citizens in the Ibrosian Democracy to vote in British elections.

AT-05-03-01 - The National Security Act 2003 [HTML]  [PDF]

AN ACT to provide an adequate security service for the Great Commonwealth.


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