National Security Act 2003


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The National Security Act 2003

An Official Act of the Government of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy

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AN ACT to provide an adequate security service for the Great Commonwealth.


Should it be enacted by the will of the majority of the people of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy, this Bill shall be passed into law with the particulars stated herein:


1. LEGISLATIVE REPEALS – (1) The Lk’esoeseak-Iboroseoean Anti-Terrorism Act 2001 is hereby repealed in its entirety.

(2) This state further supports the spirit of Article I of the Act, condemning terrorist attacks against civilians in the United States and the world as a whole.


2. THE OFFICE OF NATIONAL SECURITY – (1) There shall be an Office of National Security for the Great Commonwealth (‘the Office’).

(2) The Office shall be headed by a Director-General, appointed by the First Secretary of State with the consent of the Prime Minister.

(3) The Office shall report solely to the Prime Minister as head of the defence staff, and, when necessary, the First Secretary of State.

(4) The confidential dealings of the Office of National Security shall be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act 2001.

(5) All classified information held by the Office shall be subject to a twenty year term of secrecy, unless extended by the Prime Minister and First Secretary of State. Any person who discloses information classified under this Section shall be guilty of an offence under this Act.


3. STATUS – (1) The Office of National Security shall be controlled only by the Prime Minister and First Secretary of State. The Office shall not be subordinate to any of the Great Commonwealth Ministers of State.

(2) All information classified by order of the Prime Minister, First Secretary of State or the Great Commonwealth Ministers of State shall be available to the Office of National Security’s Director-General.

(3) Funding for the Office of National Security shall come from the budget assigned to the Great Commonwealth Ministry of Defence.


4. DISBANDMENTS – (1) The Great Commonwealth Institute of National Defence, and the associated Security Council are hereby disbanded.

(2) No security organisation shall exist outwith the scope of the Great Commonwealth Ministry of Defence.


5. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT – (1) This Act may be cited as the National Security Act 2003.

(2) This Act shall come into effect upon the passing by the éhoi and authorisation by the Returning Officer with the exception of Section 4, which shall come into effect upon a day appointed by the Prime Minister by order under this Act.


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