The Freedom of Information Act

An Official Act of the Government of the Great Commonwealth of Lk’esoeseak-Iboroseo

æcté  d’wesetilk d’ŷe grande wealth d’commune d’Lk'esoeseak-Iboroseo

Eighteenth day of November, Twenty-Hundred and One





It is seen as necessary to release such informations as may be in the public interest. The release of classified documents, when classification is considered un-necessary should also be considered part of democratic government.


Article I


The right of the people to peruse Acts of Parliament shall not be infringed.


Article II


All Acts of Parliament shall be available to view, free of charge, on the Ministry of the Interior’s Internet site and shall be available from the Commonwealth library for viewing.

                All Acts of Parliament may be bought for a nominal fee (no greater, in British Pounds Sterling than the Recommended Retail Price of a 330 ml can of Irn Bru in the City of Glasgow)


Article III


All information released to Parliament in session is considered intellectual property of the people of this country and shall be available publicly.


Article IV


Three statuses of Classification shall exist in the Great Commonwealth


Grade 1 – One year confidentiality

Grade 2 – Six year confidentiality

Grade 3 – Twenty year confidentiality


These may only be amended after passing by a Council of Justices of the Supreme Court of the Judiciary.


“Long Live the Great Commonwealth”

Reber d’éohi


Cahreeseilk “Freedom of Information Act” eski rentreian, áre ŷ’hrlhsenéke d’bílle, erkreek ŷ’rekeke d’ŷe Éohi d’ŷe grand wealth d’commune.


This “Freedom of Information Act” is hereby submitted, in the form of a Bill, for the attention of the Parliament of the Great Commonwealth.








In English


Ayes: 100%

Noes: 0%

Abstain: 0%

Not Present: 0%


áre Iboroseoean


ádvant: 100%

qi: 0%

ilán d'iseaek: 0%

qié: 0%


Passed by a full session of Parliament on Saturday the eighth of December, Twenty-Hundred and One.


Enacted into law by this Great Commonwealth Parliament, by way of representation by the Prime Minister of the Great Commonwealth National Parliament




                                                Prime Minister of Parliament