Provincial Reform Act 2003


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The Provincial Reform (Great Britain, Ireland and Brittany) Act 2003

An Official Act of the Government of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy

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Fourteenth day of March, Twenty-Hundred and Three CE – 33rd of the Second Month, 04 IIC


AN ACT to create a province encompassing the British Isles and Breton region and to dissolve the Province of Redéke Island and Dependences


Should it be enacted by the will of the majority of the people of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy, this Bill shall be passed into law with the particulars stated herein:-


Part One –Dissolution of the Province of Redéke Island and Dependences


1. PROVINCIAL DISSOLUTION-- (1) the Province of Redéke Island and Dependences is hereby dissolved, with the due consent of the provincial administration.

(2) In accordance with the wishes of the former provincial authority in the Redéke Islands, the former territory of the Province of Redéke Island and Dependences shall henceforth be known as the County of the Redéke Isles.

(3) The County of the Redéke Isles shall maintain complete autonomy within its territory upon issues regarding:

(a) MATTERS OF SYMBOLISM: signposting used within the Isles; flags flown, in accordance with the applicable statutes of the Great Commonwealth; County arms and armorial matters with the Isles; control over the Redékean College of Arms and associated Armorial Court..

(b) SHIPPING: The Port of Hurburgh, on Redéke Island shall be administered by the County; all matters of shipping not reserved by the Great Commonwealth; registration of crafts; devolved issues relating to fishing.

(c) NOBILITY: The County shall have control over all Noble investitures landed within the Isles, with the due authority of the Great Commonwealth Government where applicable.

(d) NATIONAL PARKS: The County shall have authority over all matters relating to National Parks which is delegated normally to provincial administrations.

(4) The Incorporation (Redéke Island and Dependences) Act 2002 (“the 2002 Act”) is hereby the repealed with the exception of Article I and Article IV.

(5) Article IV of the 2002 Act shall be amended thus:

Where the words “Province of Redéke Island and Dependences” appears, they shall be replaced by the words “County of the Redéke Isles”.


2. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT – (1) The County of the Redéke Isles shall be under the direct control of the Great Commonwealth Minister of the Interior, who shall exercise any necessary provincial powers with the advice and consent of the Count of the Redéke Isles until such times as a new province is instated.

(2) Appeals against actions by the Great Commonwealth Minister of the Interior in use of powers specified in Subsection (1) may be made to the Supreme Court of the Justiciary.

(3) Public petitions shall be directed to the Count of the Redéke Isles, who shall relay them to the appropriate federal department.

(4) The Count of the Redéke Isles shall be initially appointed by the Prime Minister with the advice and consent of the people of the County.


Part Two – Uniting of territories in the British Isles and Brittany


1. GENERAL PROVISIONS – (1) This Part may be cited as the Incorporation (Greater Brethyonia) Act 2003.

(2) This Part shall come into force on a day appointed by statutory instrument by the Prime Minister.


2. THE PROVINCE OF GREATER BRETHYONIA – (1) There shall be a Province of Greater Brethyonia.

(2) The Province of Greater Brethyonia shall have all rights of a province of the Great Commonwealth as stated in the Constitution Act 2001, notably Part 6(3) and all other relevant laws.

(3) The Province of Greater Brethyonia is integral to the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy until such times as the majority of its inhabitants demand otherwise.

(4) The Province of Greater Brethyonia shall be a recognised province of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy. It shall have its legal system respected, alongside the rights of the Provincial Executive and Provincial Assembly as embodied in the Constitution Act 2001.

(5) The Provincial Greater Brethyonia shall be bound by the Constitution Act 2001.

(6) The Province of Greater Brethyonia shall be assigned the following administrative codes:-

(a) ID-GB as the Provincial code.

(b) “2” as the National Numerical Identifier.


3. THE PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF GREATER BRETHYONIA – (1) There shall be a Greater Brethyonian Provincial Assembly.

(2) The Assembly shall be administered in a manner as defined by the people of Greater Brethyonia in assembly.

(3) The Assembly shall elect a Governor Lieutenant for Greater Brethyonia at the soonest possible convenience. The Governor Lieutenant shall have the power to:

                (a) Liaise with the Great Commonwealth Government on behalf of the Provincial Executive.

                (b) Organise the Provincial Executive of Greater Brethyonia.

(c) Create Directorates of the Provincial Executive and appoint Director Generals to head them.

(d) Govern in the manner of the Prime Minister within the appropriate bonds of his power.

(e) Operate as a speaker within the Provincial Assembly.


4. PROVINCIAL SYMBOLS – (1) The Prime Minister shall, in counsel with the Provincial Cabinet of Greater Brethyonia, select a provincial vexillium and Arms for Greater Brethyonia.

(2) The Province of Greater Brethyonia and the Government thereof shall use the British Union Flag for all official business until Subsection (1) has been fulfilled.

(3) The Province of Greater Brethyonia and the Government thereof shall use Arms of ‘Argent, a dragon sable et gules’, bearing the motto: ‘Rule Britannia’.

(4) These symbols should be used within specified limits declared in the Flags and National Emblems Act 2002. 


5. THE PROVINCIAL JUDICIARY – (1) There shall be a High Court of Greater Brethyonia.

(2) The High Court’s Outer House shall have the right to hear all civil cases, with an appellate court – the Inner House – operating under the authority of the Supreme Court of Justiciary.

(3) Three justices of the High Court of the Justiciary shall hear civil appeal cases. Of these three justices, at least two must be operating under the authority of the Supreme Court of the Justiciary.

(4) The criminal division of the High Court shall be known as the Sheriff Court.

(5) A Sheriff of Greater Brethyonia shall preside over all criminal trials which do not qualify as High Treasons against the Commonwealth.

(6) The Sheriff Court shall sit with a jury of five citizens of the Great Commonwealth.

(7) Should a defendant expressly request it, a jury may be forgone and the case heard by three justices of the High Court.

(8) The Supreme Court of the Justiciary shall have exclusive authority to hear criminal appeal cases.


Part Three – Further Provisions


6.  SHORT TITLE, COMMENCEMENT AND EXTENT – (1) Part one of this Act may be cited as the Dissolution (Redéke Island and Dependences) Act 2003.

(2) Part Two of this Act may be cited as the Incorporation (Greater Brethyonia) Act 2003.

(3) This Act in its entirety may be cited as the Provincial Reform (Great Britain, Ireland and Brittany) Act 2003.

(4) The following sections of this Act shall be come into effect upon the specified events:

(a) Part Two of this Act shall come into effect on a day appointed by statutory instrument by the Prime Minister.

(b) The remained of this Act (Parts One and Three) shall come into effect upon the passing by the éhoi and authorisation by the Returning Officer.

(3) This Act extends to:

(a) The Great Commonwealth

                (b) The Province of Redéke Island and Dependences (the County of the Redéke Isles)

                (c) The Province of Greater Brethyonia in accordance with Subsection 4(a)



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