Office of National Security


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Welcome to the official website of the Great Commonwealth Office of National Security

Present Director-General: Non-assigned

The Great Commonwealth Office of National Security oversees matters of internal and external security within the Ibrosian Democracy. Although subordinate to the Ministry of Defence, the Office retains autonomy - reporting only to the Cabinet as a whole.


The Office of National Security was formed in late 2001 to deal with Royalist attempts to disrupt the democratic process. The office continues today, predicting any foreign threat and also neutralising attempted attacks on the Ibrosian computer systems.

Many of the Office's operations are shrouded in secrecy. This has left it open to criticism, however its operation is a matter for the national executive, who see such methods as necessary to secure peace and safety for all citizens.  The Office is commonly used to advise the Cabinet Council on matters of national security and compiles private reports for the PM as needs dictate.

The Lk'esoeseak-Iboroseoean Anti-Terrorism Act 2001

Although the Office had existed beforehand, in an unofficial, adversarial role, this legislation officially created the Office, citing the attacks on the United States as justification.

The Freedom of Information Act 2001

Although granting citizens the rights to view parliamentary proceedings etc., this act also allowed the classification of sensitive government documents, and legally allows the secrecy of this Office.


To report terrorist activity, international attacks on the nation, or any other form of crime -

All other communication and enquiries -

Action in Foreign States

The Office  of National Security has no jurisdiction outside of Ibrosian territory. While it does operate within foreign states, mainly the United Kingdom, the ONS does not have any powers of arrest or detainment - or any greater influence than any other organisation.


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The Office of National Records, Stationery and Hansard; Great Commonwealth Ministry of the Interior
The Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy