Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Defence
Department of Justice

Welcome to the official website of the Great Commonwealth Ministry of Foreign and External Affairs

Present Minister: Unassigned, operated by the Lord Protector.

The Great Commonwealth Ministry of Foreign and External Affairs deal with all matter of protocol between the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy and other nations, states and organisations outwith our homeland.

Treaties - The Great Commonwealth enters all its treaties before the Éhoi as statutory instruments - see here for more

Recognition - This ministry has received many requests from Internet fantasy states to grant them sovereign recognition. Although the Great Commonwealth tends to respect self-determination, we do not deal in fantasy.

States - For a full list of states the Great Commonwealth recognises, click here

Recognition - This has been a thorny issue for this department. To clarify - the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy shall only recognise genuine, land-based states who exercise sovereignty over their respective territories. To this we have made some exceptions - the Sovereign Military Order of Malta for example, however we are unlikely to do so again. Contact for more information.

Please note, with the declaration of the Ibrosian Democracy/Lk'esoeseak-Iboroseo, Ibrosia/Nova Britannia (Nova Brittania) entered into the 'third republic' - this occurred around 11th of November 2001 - all granted recognition to foreign states before this time by previous administrations is no longer recognised by the Great Commonwealth.




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The Office of National Records, Stationery and Hansard; Great Commonwealth Ministry of the Interior
The Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy