Ministry of the Interior


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Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Defence
Department of Justice

Welcome to the official website of the Great Commonwealth Ministry of the Interior.

Present Minister: The Rt. Hon. Lord McCulloch of Yonderton

The Great Commonwealth Ministry of the Interior is the department of the federal government which oversees the provision of services and governance within the Ibrosian Democracy.

Ministry Links

Commonwealth House - The National Executive and Office of the PM.

Nova Britannic Dept. of Home Affairs - Our provincial equivalent in Capital Territory. - essential information on the Ibrosian Democracy.

The Minister of the Interior

The Minister of the Interior (2002-) is the Prime Minister, who reserves the interior portfolio for himself, alongside that of foreign and external affairs. Contact: here

Powers of the Ministry of the Interior

The Ministry deals with: All Great Commonwealth Publications, including hansard and national record; crime and legal proceedings; legal aid; representation of the provinces; emergency services; education; disaster relief; statistic and the census; customs and excise; border controls

Publications of the Ministry

The Ministry of the Interior tends to used the Commonwealth House site - for official announcements and similar issues concerning the Ibrosian people. All publications are contained therein or within the Stationery Office website (click 'home')


History of the Department

The Ministry of the Interior was first founded in Nova Britannia (then inc. the Redéke Isles) as a department of the Peoples' Government. The MoI had a much wider scope, dealing with almost all issues within Nova Britannian borders.


When the Lk'esoeseak-Iboroseo was proclaimed, the Ministry of the Interior existed as the Great Commonwealth Home Office. It took on its present title with the enactment of the Ibrosian Democracy's Constitution Act 2001.



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The Office of National Records, Stationery and Hansard; Great Commonwealth Ministry of the Interior
The Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy