Overview of Motions


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An Overview of Parliamentary Motions

A parliamentary motion is a fairly simple document: a statement of what shall be changed. It usually begins "the people demand"; "this parliament demands" or "We, the people, hereby request" and is often around one or two paragraphs in length. Try and make the motion as clear and concise as possible, making it able to be understood and yet making a definite statement of the aims of the motion. An Example:

Parliamentary Motion #GC-GE-08-02-01 

You are not required to submit the title - this will be added. It merely shows: GC - Federal Government; GE - grande éhoi; the date of the grande éhoi in MM-YY format and a number assigned to the motion by order in which it is to be read. 

This Parliament hereby requests that the National Executive shall form a militia force, similar to that of the Swiss Confederation, comprising of civilians for the defence and support of the state, the regular armed forces and the emergency services. All citizens shall be required to complete a short national service of training (unless good reason is given or moral concerns prevent it) and thereafter receive further training no more than once every three years until the age of forty-five years has been attained. This militia force shall be ready to serve in times of invasion or national disaster.

This is the text of the motion - it gives a definite request to the National Executive (who act on Parliamentary statements) to complete a given task and goes on to describe the task in reasonable detail.

[  ] Agree [  ] Disagree  [  ] Abstain

These are the options given to those sitting in the grande éhoi - whether to Agree with the general principles of the motion, to disagree or to abstain from voting. It is a legal obligation to include the "abstain" field as all sitting must specify one choice. 


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