Bill Structure


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Bill Structure
Overview of Motions
The Act

Example of a Bill placed before the Éhoi:

The  [Short Name] Act

An Official Act of the Government of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy

æcté d’wesetilk d’ŷe grande wealth d’commune dek Lk’esoeseak-Iboroseỗ

The [day] Day of [Month], Twenty-Hundred and Two


Notes: The main heading is the proposed short name of the Bill, when enacted. The 'Official Act...' area (in English and Iboroseoean) is not included in a Bill, but shall be upon passage. The date of proposal in a Bill, or enactment in an act is included


AN ACT to clarify the Great Commonwealth position on foreign and diplomatic relations overseas, as outlined in the outdated Act of Foreign and Diplomatic Relations 2000.


Notes: This is the full name of the Act, giving an "Executive Overview" of the Bill


The Text of the Bill


The Bill is then separated into Sections, which contain Articles, which (rather perversely) contain subsections. These are each simple statements, which are separated by subject.


The Proposal


Is inserted as demonstrated above. It is an application for the Bill to be considered by the Éhoi and is usually worded thus:


"Should it be enacted by the will of the majority of the people of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy, this Bill shall be passed into law with the particulars stated herein:"




Finally, comes the last article - Short Title, Commencement [and Extent] of the Act


This is structured as one article, with three subsections (a, b and c).


(a) Short Title: "This act may be cited as the... Act 2002" a few words explaining the purpose of the act, intended to shorten from the full title [see above]. Example: The Financial Security Act 2002, The Flags and National Symbols Act 2001 


(b) Commencement: When the act shall become law - usually in the form of:


"This act shall come into effect upon the passing by the éhoi and authorisation by the Returning Officer."




"This Act shall come into effect upon the stroke of midnight upon the twenty-first day of November, Twenty-Hundred and Two"


(c) Extent: (Optional) this is where the act shall be considered law. Should it apply only to the Government of the Great Commonwealth, this should not be included. Should it become law in all the areas and to all governments, the Great Commonwealth and all applicable provinces should be noted.


"Long Live the Great Commonwealth"

This is the motto of the State, it is added to all official papers. 

Should the act be composed on British Day (2nd Saturday in June), "God Save the Queen" shall be displayed after "Long Live the Great Commonwealth"


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