Empire Day 2002


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Empire Day 2002
Grand Ducal Installation 2002

The Prime Minister of Parliament

Annual Empire Day Address to the Nation

27th of January 2002 AM

Firstly, I bid my most sincere greetings to the Ibrosian people, one and all.

Today, as I am sure you know, mark the second year of the independence of this nation-in whatever form-from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Since then, days have come and gone, governments have been and passed, and ideologies have been supported and forgotten.

The Ibrosian nation, the Nova Britannian colonies and the Peoples’ Republic have endured and passed the test of time, and in this time one thing has united our nation – that we are a people separate from all others, and free to live as we please.

No nation in the world enjoys the freedom enjoyed in Ibrosia, from consensual government to freedom of the home and freedom of the sovereignty of the individual.

 Largely, the history of the Ibrosian nation is embodied in memory, with documents missing, misplaced and unfilled. Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce the formation of the Office of Historical Records, within the Ministry of the Interior. This office shall be charged with organising Ibrosian records and compiling an official historical text regarding our succession and evolution as a people.

We are a small nation, yes, but we hope that 2002 shall be a year of expansion. We hope to achieve more immigrants and more citizens to participate in our nation and her institutions. We hope to make the Ibrosian Democracy an international nation of peoples, united by a series of ideals which this country represents. The Ibrosian state is not only represented by Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples based in an island in the middle of the sea – the Ibrosian nation is a nation of every man, woman and child in this world who seek a liberated lifestyle and democratic government.

On this note, I have often been asked why Ibrosia exists at all. Well I can give but one answer: look, if you will, to your fellow humans being tortured, beaten and suffering the oppression of the state in nations near and far. From Zimbabwe to Afghanistan, from the Peoples’ Republic of China to the United States of America, we see the basic rights of humans being violated. These governments present unquestionable authority over an area of land, with no-one able to escape their threats and taxes. In Ibrosia, we can be sure of a life as protected or liberated as we wish, we can raise one thousand Bílles in the Grand Éhoi or never even attend a referendum, that is the beauty of the nation that we, all of us, have etched into being. A utopia within a world which is slowly crumbling under the weight of their society. A disaster that dictatorship created.

Being this day of celebration in the Great Commonwealth, I can now inform you that, as a first step in our expansion into the world, the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy has united with Redéke Island, an area within the United Kingdom. The Province of Redéke Island has been established to mark this fine occasion.

I have been instated as Prime Minister of this nation’s Parliament for over six months now and as such, hope to continue serving this country for as long as I am required.

Have a happy and snow filled winter,

Long Live the Great Commonwealth – Ibrosia Forever! – Iboroseỗ fáseak-eác’tof!


The Empire Day Address to the Nation delivered by the Prime Minister of Parliament –

Éhoió Tk’reaik David Gardiner, finéseeák rehre Prátiak dek ỹ’grande wealth d’commune

27th of January Twenty-Hundred and Two

Commonwealth House, the Province of Nova Britannia



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