Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth Proclamation
A Proclamation of
the Great Commonwealth Wéthenágemoté
The Great
Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy
Thursday 25th
of April, 2002 AM
A proclamation extending the British Day holiday of 2002 over two days, to be termed British Day and Elizabeth Day.
Should it be enacted by the Great Commonwealth House
of the Senate and the Great Commonwealth Legislative Assembly, and the
authority vested therein, it shall be thus:
Whereas the current celebration of British Day takes place on the official state birthday of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all her other realms, territories and dominions, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith – coming to rest usually upon the second Saturday in June and,
Whereas the year 2002 AM is the celebration of fifty years since Her Majesty’s succession to the throne of the British Empire and,
Whereas the Commonwealth nations shall be having great celebrations to mark this event and,
Whereas the Ibrosian Democracy retains strong links with the United Kingdom and Ibrosian colonial history
I. Monday 3rd of June and Tuesday 4th of June shall be declared British Day 2002 and Elizabeth Day 2002 for this year only.
II. These shall be considered Public Holidays and of the same status of those listed in Article II of the National Holidays Act 2002 and ascribed all the rights and privileges embodied therein.
III. Golden Jubilee celebrations shall be actively encouraged by the Great Commonwealth National Executive.
IV. For this year, British Day shall not be celebrated upon the second Saturday in June, which shall be a normal day in the Great Commonwealth.
V. The Prime Minister of Parliament shall be asked to deliver a speech giving thanks to Her Majesty for her noble effect on Ibrosian culture and heritage
As of the 25th of
April 2002, this document is given approval of the Great Commonwealth House of
the Senate
As of the 25th of
April 2002, this document is given approval of the Great Commonwealth
Legislative Assembly
This document is hereby
enacted by the Great Commonwealth Wéthenágemoté under the authority of the
Governor of the House of the Senate.
For the two days noted in Article one, the Great Commonwealth national flag shall be flown, if more than two flag staffs are available, the Royal Union Flag shall be flown alongside. Otherwise the official purple Jubilee standard shall be flown below the national flag.
VI. The National Executive shall fund British and Royal symbols to be publicly displaced throughout the Ibrosian Democracy. These shall include bunting et cetera.
VII. Whenever the Ibrosian national anthem is played upon the days mentioned in Article one, the Royal Anthem of ‘God Save the Queen’ must also be played.