The Dissolution of the National Executive Order

A Statutory Instrument of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy


Done at the Court of Commonwealth House, Nova Britannia upon the Sixteenth Day of September, Twenty-Hundred and Two AM


WHEREAS it has been seen as the Prime Minister as right and proper to hold a Prime Ministerial Election;


NOW THEREFORE, by powers conferred upon the His Excellency, the Prime Minister by the Constitution Act 2001, His Excellency hereby sees it fit and proper to order the following:


Title and Commencement

  1. –(1) This order may be cited as the Dissolution of the National Executive Order September 2001.

-(2) The day appointed for the coming into operation of the Dissolution of the National Executive Order September 2002 is the day after the day on which the Order is made.


General Provisions

  1. –(1) The Legislative Assembly sometimes the Cabinet Council and all other functions of the National Executive are hereby suspended.

-(2) Sir David J. Gardiner DGC, the Prime Minister of the Great Commonwealth of the Ibrosian Democracy hereby tenders his resignation and steps down from his position.

-(3) Therefore, as decreed by the Constitution Act 2001 a Prime Ministerial Election shall be held with the following particulars duly noted:

(a) Any citizen may place stand as a candidate for the position of Prime Minister.

(b) The ballot paper shall list the candidate’s full name and party and shall be organised in alphabetical order by candidate’s surname.

(c) Between the time of enactment of this order and the start of polling, any citizen may exercise their right under Section 2(3)(a)

(d) Polling of votes for a new Prime Minister shall begin at 0800 hours on the 20th day of September 2002 ce.

(e) Polling of votes shall cease at 2200 hours on the 21st day of September 2002 ce.

(f) Votes may be sent by e-mail to: to be counted.


David J. Gardiner

Prime Minister of Parliament

16th of September 2002 ce


“Long Live the Great Commonwealth”